* Individuals who have either started the actual IVF process themselves or are about to start the IVF process based upon recommendation of their infertility doctor.

(We are defining the IVF process in this context as medications leading up to egg retrieval, blood work, sedation during retrieval, egg fertilization, embryo transferal, blood work for pregnancy testing, and ultrasounds.)


* Individuals who are currently looking for funding to support initial fertility testing, Clomid usage, or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) are ineligible. 

* Individuals who have already been through at least one or more IVF processes and are looking for scholarship funds to cover current accumulated debts do not qualify. However, if you are starting a new cycle (e.g., ran out of embryos and need to harvest additional eggs, etc.) you can apply for a scholarship to cover those new expenses.

* Individuals who may be purchasing sperm, eggs, embryos, or costs associated with embryo adoption do not qualify. 



* Scholarships will very in value between a minimum of $2,500 and a maximum of $25,000 depending on the recipients situation. 


  • Grant Application Deadline.  The Legends are Born Everyday Foundation does not currently have a deadline to submit grant applications.  Each year, the Foundation will review grant applications as they are received until the Foundation has issued all its available funds.  The Foundation reserves the right to impose grant application deadlines in the future.

  • Online Grant Application Submission.  All grant applications, including any documents required to be submitted with the grant application, must be submitted online using the Foundation’s online grant application form.  The Foundation’s online grant application form can be accessed at the link above.

  • Personal Story.  The Foundation requires that you provide a personal story.  The personal story is your chance to help the Foundation get to know you and your spouse/partner—who you are, what you like to do, family history, why you would make a good candidate for the Foundation’s grant, etc.  Accordingly, the personal story should not include your fertility history. You will submit this in the application. 

  • Proof of Insurance.  You are required to provide a photocopy of both sides of your and your spouse’s insurance cards if selected. 

  • Application Form.  You must fully complete the application form and provide all documentation requested by the Foundation, including a letter from your physician as required in the grant application, tax returns for the last two years as required, and proof of insurance (if any).  Your grant application will be evaluated solely based on your responses to each of the questions in the grant application, including the documentation that you are required to provide as provided in the grant application.  The Foundation reserves the right not to review any incomplete grant application. 

  • Do not Submit.  Please do not submit any medical history documentation that is not requested in the grant application.  The Foundation does not return submissions.

  • Grant Funds. If you are selected as a grant recipient, the Foundation will issue the grant funds directly to your physician or medical provider.  In no event will the Foundation issue grant funds directly to you.

  • Personal Statement Release Form.  If you are selected for a grant, the Foundation would like to tell your story to show how the Foundation is helping couples achieve their dreams of having their own legend.  At that time you will be given a Personal Statement Release Form to sign.

  • Questions.  If you have questions, you can reach out to the Foundation by sending an email to support@legendsareborneveryday.org.


    As part of the application process you will need to download our Authorization to Disclose Health Information form from within the application. That form will need to be signed and forwarded to your physician. Your physician will in turn need to send an email to support@legendsareborneveryday.org explaining your infertility diagnosis and whether your doctor believes that you are a good candidate for IVF procedures.

    The verbiage in the agreement can be found below:

    The specific health information authorized for disclosure is information about my infertility diagnosis and my prognosis with In Vitro Fertilization (“IVF”) procedures.

    The purpose of the disclosure is to provide information to Legends are Born Everyday Foundation (the “Foundation”) as part of an application for a grant to help cover the costs of IVF procedures.

    This authorization will expire on the following date, event, or condition:         .

    I understand that if I do not provide an expiration or condition, this authorization is only valid for the period of time needed to fulfill its purpose.  I also understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time, by sending written notification to the doctor or medical provider indicated above.

    I understand that the information used or disclosed under this Authorization Form may be subject to re-disclosure by the person or facility receiving it and may no longer be protected by federal or state privacy regulations.

    By signing, I acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of this signed authorization. Patient Name/Date

    *    SELECTION. If you are chosen you will hear from the Foundation via email. Please make sure that your email address is entered into the application correctly. If you are not selected you will not receive any messages beyond the automatic confirmation of your application submission after the survey's final page.